Friday, June 30, 2017

Yoga for Foot Pain

by Baxter
Study of Hands and Feet for the Golden Age by Ingres
As I was preparing for an upcoming workshop on Yoga for Healthy Feet at Mountain Yoga in Oakland, California, I happened to review our recent communications from you, our readers (thanks for all of these questions, by the way, and keep them coming!), and came across this timely inquiry:

I am a 67-year-old female in good physical condition. About 10 years ago, I slipped down a steep hill and came to a stop half way down the hill, using my foot to stop. I immediately had severe pain in the arch of my foot to which I applied ice. Every since then, I have had pain in the arch of my foot, to varying degrees. I now have that pain wrapping around from the arch to the top of my foot and pain that wraps around my ankle. Even the bone on the medial side of my foot, above the arch, becomes sore at times. I frequently wake up in the middle of the night with arch pain. When I walk fast at all, I get shooting pain in my arch. I have been to the orthopedic doctor and they have injected steroids into the tendon sheath in the bottom of my foot and also by the ankle. These injections have helped for a short time. I don’t want any more steroids. Are there any yoga exercises that I could be doing to strengthen this area and to decrease the inflammation that is there? Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.

I’d like to start by acknowledging how challenging traumatic injuries can be to our bodies, and how they sometimes don’t easily heal and allow us to feel like our old selves again, at least not on the timetable we would prefer! Our reader’s situation appears complicated in the sense that the pain she experiences moves around, is aggravated by certain activities, has been around a long time, and even wakes her up at night. And despite seeing an orthopedic specialist and getting some steroid injections to decrease inflammation in the tissues of her foot, her pain persists. Although I cannot make specific recommendations for this person without a more thorough history and physical, I can provide some general recommendations on approaching foot pain and working toward stronger and more supple feet and greater pain-free movement.

Non-Weight Bearing Mobilization

It turns out the feet are quite complex parts of the body. There are 52 bones in the feet, and each foot has approximately 33 joints, each of which can move in multiple directions. The possible number of distortions of the foot is a huge number, something on the order of 8x10 to the 36th power. In contrast to the foot’s huge variety of possible shapes and movements, we usually wake up, are in bare feet for just a few minutes in the morning and then jam our feet into shoes all day, which protect the feet for sure, but limit movement dramatically. So the first wonderful thing about practicing yoga is that you liberate your feet from shoes for however long your home practice is each day. In the context of painful feet, it may be a great starting place to do yoga practices that are non-weight bearing, since things like brisk walking, as in our reader’s case, might be influencing the persistence of pain.

A good place to start would be with any “warm-up” practices that involve lying on your back or belly and moving your limbs and feet around. An example would be Legs up the Wall pose (Viparita Karani), in which you could add in movements of your feet and ankles to promote mobility of the joints and soft tissues of your feet. Other examples of poses where there is no or very little pressure on your feet include Thread the Needle pose, Locust pose (Salabasana), and Reclining Twist pose (Jathara Parivartanasana). In all these poses, you can deliberately choose how you want to position your feet and ankles—whether you want to spread or curl your toes or vary other foot movements and positions—to bring greater awareness to how your feet are doing moment to moment. Once you are comfortable in these poses and your foot pain doesn’t flare, you are ready to move on.
Locust with One Leg Up
Mild Weight-Bearing Poses

There are several basic yoga poses that begin to require more of your feet in terms of dealing with forces to the soles, the tops, and the edges of your feet. As you introduce this new group of poses, you will again be monitoring how your feet respond during the practice, as well as after the practice, such as overnight. Some of my initial choices include:
  1. Reclined Leg Stretch pose (Supta Padangustasana)
  2. Bridge Pose (Setubanda Sarvangasana)
  3. Seated Crossed-Legs Pose (Sukasana)
  4. Cobblers Pose (Baddha Konasana)
With Reclined Leg Stretch, you are still not bearing weight but you are bringing pressure onto the sole of your foot with the strap. You can vary the location of the strap; I like the heel pad, the mid-foot, or the ball of the foot. And you can vary the intensity of the pull of the strap to gauge how much your foot can handle.
Reclined Leg Stretch Pose
With Bridge Pose, you are beginning to bear weight on your feet, but not your entire body weight, so this pose provides is good way to test the waters to see what your feet are ready to handle. The other seated poses put a bit of pressure on different parts of your feet and can help reveal areas of ongoing tenderness that might need a slower approach towards full function.

Full Weight-Bearing Poses

When you are feeling ready to stand up and see how your feet handle more challenging situations, you can begin to explore the basic two-legged standing poses. Mountain pose and all of its variations—arms overhead, side bending, and so on—are the starting place and a good home base to return to for this group of poses. 
Arms Overhead Pose
From there, move on to the classic two-legged standing poses, such as Triangle pose (Trikonasana), Warrior 1 and 2 (Virabrdrasana 1 and 2), Extended Side Angle pose (Utthita Parsvakonasana), Pyramid pose (Parsvottansanas), and Widespread Standing Forward Bend (Prasarita Padottanasana). Each of these poses will bring slightly different challenges and forces to your feet and ankles. You might add them gradually over time and assess how each one affects the feet.
Triangle Pose
Once poses on two feet are becoming easier, add more challenge by working on one-legged poses, such as Tree pose (Vrksasana), Half Moon pose (Arda Chandrasana), Eagle pose (Garudasana), Warrior 3 (Virabradrasana 3), and Dancer pose (Natarajasana). Be willing to go more slowly with these pose, however, as they will focus more force and pressure onto your feet and ankles, and may require more time and attention to get better at. 
Warrior 3 Pose
Dynamic Movements

In real life, we are moving around on our feet quite a bit, walking, occasionally squatting, and periodically dancing, cycling, or running. You can ready and train your feet for these variable movements by practicing dynamic yoga sequences. The most obvious choices are Sun Salutations and Moon Salutations, but I suggest that you can also allow yourself some creative license to invent your own dynamic movement using yoga poses. Keep a playful, yet focused attention as you move in and out of various yoga poses with clear awareness of your feet. 

See Agility Practice and  Want to Improve Your Balance? Take Off Your Shoes! for more ideas.


Hopefully these suggestions can assist in the healing process from a variety of painful foot issues. There are certainly many other non-yoga practices and therapies we cannot cover here, but you have a starting place with yoga to begin your healing journey.

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Four Ways to Survive the Holidays with Yoga

by Nina
Hegel's Holiday by Rene Magritte*

We’re quickly moving into the full-blown, end of the year holiday season that is Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa topped off by New Year’s Eve. For many of us, this time of year is very challenging. We have too much to do. We’re traveling through snow and rain to get some place and then a few days after that slogging home again. And when we’re together for days at a time with family members, old behavior patterns and conflicts can raise their ugly heads. Or maybe we can’t be with family—or don’t have one—so the whole season looks nothing like at all like a Hollywood movie. And yet there are always those expectations for having a “wonderful” time. So it’s no wonder this time of year many of us experience disappointment and sadness, not to mention stress and anxiety.

But this year we have our whole yoga toolbox at our fingertips, so I’m sure we can all do a better job of surviving these challenges with a measure of equanimity and grace.

After some thought, I’ve decided to suggest a two-part strategy. The first is to use the wisdom of yoga to change your attitude toward the holidays. It seems that in great part it is our plans going awry or hopes being crushed that cause so much emotional difficulty during this time. By changing your attitude, you can do your best not to get stressed out in the first place. Then because, well, some amount of stress is inevitable—even when we trying our best not to let things get to us, we tend to crack once in a while—you can use your favorite yoga stress reduction techniques to calm yourself  down and quiet your mind.


 1. Consider your attachment to your plans and hopes for the holidays.

The Yoga Sutras tells us in sutra 3.3 that attachment to pleasure and aversion to pain are two of the “afflictions” that cause human suffering.

And it seems to me that one of the pleasures we become attached to is our fantasies about how our lives will turn out (see Attachment (Raga) to Our Ideas About Ourselves). So start by recognizing your attachment to your plans and hopes for the holiday season. And admit to yourself that your attachment to those plans IS an affliction. (As I wrote in Attachment (Raga) to Our Ideas About Ourselves, I sometimes think we cling to our attachments in a form of magical thinking, because we feel as if holding on to our plans and hopes will make some kind of magic that will allow us to obtain what we desire.) Then see if you can work your way to letting go of some of those attachments. 

And maybe the discomfort we feel while traveling and while witnessing—or even participating in—family conflicts is pain to which we feel aversion. Can you try to shift your thinking a bit about whether the suffering these situations causes you is inevitable? 

As the Bhagavad Gita says, “When a man has mastered himself, he is perfectly at ease in cold, in heat, in pleasure or pain, in honor or disgrace.” And speaking of family members, the Gita says this, too:

He looks impartially on all:
those who love him or hate him,
his kinsmen, his enemies, his friends

the good, and also the wicked.

2. Go ahead with your plans, but do your work with “detachment” or “skill in actions,” as the Gita recommends.

The wise man lets go of all

results, whether good or bad,

and is focused on the action alone.

Yoga is skill in actions.

So take your trip, help with all that cooking, give your gifts, spend time with your family members, and open your home to others, all without worrying about success or failure. This is the combination of active engagement and acceptance that we’ve been writing about since the early days of the blog (see What We Need to Practice and Acceptance, Active Engagement, and the Bhagavad Gita), which is the way to achieve equanimity in your everyday life. And equanimity is definitely something we can all use a bit more during the holidays.

3. Practice yoga for stress management to quiet your nervous system and your mind.

Reducing your stress levels will support your ability to put the wisdom of yoga in to practice. After all, yoga’s relaxing practices, including meditation and pranayama, were developed specifically to help quiet the mind so a yogic approach toward life would be possible. See The Relaxation Response and Yoga. For those who are pressed for time, here are a few suggestions:
  • Mini Restorative Practice (see Featured Sequence: Mini Restorative Practice)
  • One or more Supported Inverted Poses (see All About Supported Inverted Poses)
  • Meditation session (see Starting a Meditation Practice)
  • Body Scan or Yoga Nidra (see Audio Tracks for guided versions by Baxter)
  • Breath Practices that calm you (see Friday Q&A: Breath Practices for Anxiety)
4. Let contentment lead to joy.  

Both Ram and I have written about cultivating santosha as an important part of yoga practice (see Santosha: Happiness and Longevity and Yoga and the Pursuit of Happiness). Santosha means "contentment" and TKV Desikachar defines contentment as "the ability to be comfortable with what we have and what we do not have."

To help you cultivate contentment, the Yoga Sutras recommends meditation, pranayama (breath practices) and detachment. And then there’s this:

1.33 Through cultivation of friendliness, compassion, joy, and indifference to pleasure and pain, virtue and vice respectively, the consciousness becomes favorably disposed, serene and benevolent.

Well, that certainly seems like a good approach for the holiday season. So I wish you joy—no matter what your plans are this year.

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The Advantages Of Purchasing HotHands

By Gregory Thompson

Winter is coming. Better yet, it already came. Now, nothing can ever stop us from feeling cold all through out the day. The feeling of it sure is not comfortable at all. But then again, nothing can possibly be done to stop this phenomenon from happening. The only thing we can do is just deal with the circumstances.

In case you had no idea bout it, the snow actually has the power in ending the life of another person or a few people all at once. Yes, that exactly is how deadly the thing is. Unfortunately, some individuals take this fact for granted. Do not be one of those fools who risk their lives. Purchase HotHands as soon as you can.

If ever you are a person currently living on a state or a country that snows a lot, then you definitely know what this product is. These are items which could give you aid when it comes to warming up different parts of your precious bodily system. They have one for the toes, hands, neck, back, and practically everywhere.

One of the advantages of using this item is that it gives you the feeling of heat for a very long time. We are talking about up to twelve hours here, more or less. Yes, we know that this item is amazing. That actually is the reason why we are recommending and advertising this to you. We know that it could live up to expectations.

These stuff comes with adhesive tape stuck to it. You could always opt for placing this product anywhere you want it to. Just stick the adhesive unto the area and you already are good to go. Place it in the most convenient and exposed spots of your body. Mind you, experiencing frost bite is totally, extremely nasty.

The innovators and other manufactures gave so many praises for this thing. One of the reasons behind it is the totally easy to use package. All you will be needed to do is stick it on. After doing so, they will now get the job done for you. Talk about totally easy to use. No hassle and hardships are required from you.

We know we keep saying this over and over again. Nothing in this word would ever be perfect. We know that this sticky warmer does not last for a day, but at least it still can give enough warmth for half a day. That obviously is better in comparison to having none at all. These items are perfectly safe to use for adults and kids.

Roaming around the street with strange bulges under your clothes is not a good thing to look at. Just so you know, the whole thought of it sounds pretty crazy and weird to us. In case you actually were worried of what people are going to think about you, you must know that these things come in super thin widths.

Take it with you everywhere you go. Even when the sun decided to pop up just a moment ago, you already know what disaster is going to happen next. Be ready at all costs possible. Bring this along with you every time you go out of the house. Trust us, this never brings additional weight to your already heavy bag.

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Thursday, June 29, 2017

Discuss Floaters eye hemorrhage

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What is a Dumbcane plant

Dumb Cane is the common name of the tropical plant of the genus Dieffenbachia and the family Araceae. Seguine and Amoena are two of the most well-known species of this plant. The Dumb Cane is referred to as The King of Plants, as it's a large and hearty plant that doesn't need a lot of light to grow well. The Dumb Cane is tall with long, pattered leaves. If the plant grows so tall that it looks too spindly, the top may be cut back in most cases.

The Dumb Cane often grows up to at least six feet (1.829 m) tall. The leaves are dark green with distinctive v-shaped pale yellow or cream patterns. Some species have spotted patterns. The Dumb Cane has remained one of the most popular houseplants in the United States since the 19th century as it can grow well in shade and any type of lighting conditions. A well-drained soil is often recommended for growing Dumb Canes.

Although the Dumb Cane is a favorite houseplant, it is not the best for smaller children and curious pets. This is because the leaves, sap and roots are very poisonous if ingested and can cause swelling of the mouth, tongue and throat. The sap of a Dumb Cane is especially acrid. The vocal cords may be so damaged and numb after chewing on part of a Dumb Cane that speech is impossible. This is why the plant is called the Dumb Cane; to be dumb means to be without the ability to produce speech.

Research has shown that calcium oxalate crystals found in the Dumb Cane cause swelling and dumbness. Some studies have found that toxic proteins such as asparagine in the calcium oxalate crystals may be the source of the burning and inflammation. The Dumb Cane originated in Brazil and is of the same family as the Philodendron. Many plants that belong to the Philodendron family contain calcium oxalate crystals in their sap.

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Why We Cannot Underestimate The Benefits Colon Cleanse In Our Life

By Olivia Cross

Cleaning your large intestines reduces the chances of getting colon cancer. The benefits colon cleanse are many and gives a healthy lifestyle. When we clean, our digestive system food absorption will be very efficient. It is because cleaning the large intestines helps remove the food waste products that are sluggish in the large intestine preventing nutrient absorption.

The large intestine cleaning has helped people with chronic constipation complications. These are people who have a very sluggish flow of food waste products out the body. When you hold these waste products long in the body, we suffer the risk of the toxins in the waste being absorbed into the bloodstream. The toxins will as a result cause irritation and other illnesses to us.

Many of the individuals who undergo the cleaning of the large intestines regularly will have better body energy. It is because toxins prevent proper blood circulation; it hampers sound sleep and depletes the energy reserves. When we do not detoxify, we run the risk of, not absorbing nutrients in our blood stream. If we want to improve the absorption of vitamins, mineral salts and other nutrients in the blood, we must clean our colon regularly.

Lack of concentration in people is mainly because of bad eating habits and improper nutrient absorption. It is because we have accumulated a lot of toxins in the body hence our brain cannot focus well. The remedy this lack of concentration is cleaning the colon and eating healthy foods. The results will be positive, and we will become active at work.

Our lifestyles in this generation demand that we check our weight so that we do not suffer lifestyle disease. If you want to control and monitor your weight do a large intestine cleanse as you work out, and you will see very positive results in your health. You will prevent large intestine cancer and remove every waste that is stagnant in your digestive system.

Many experts say that cleaning your digestive system will make you more fertility. How is this possible? When you have a clean digestive system, nutrients are better absorbed into your body and as a result you will not have weight complications. Weight is one of the biggest causes of infertility.

Cleaning our large intestines also helps in maintaining the pH balance in our blood. Foods rich in proteins are always acidic and can destabilize the pH of the body tissues.

For you to have a focused and a better life you must improve your well-being by working on your internal cleaning systems. Anytime when we are clean from the inside, we will have a healthy self-esteem and prevent many diseases. Visit a colon specialist regularly to seek advice and direction how to clean your large intestines.

Finally, we become what we eat. However, when we always ensure that the food that gets in the body through the mouth also gets out from the anus as waste products quickly. We will have a healthy life and become productive each and every time. Anytime we realize our skin becomes itchy at times it might be because of toxin accumulation in the body. A large intestine cleanse will help us live a healthy life.

About the Author:

Guidelines For Choosing A Suitable Massage Puyallup Expert

By Cornelia White

Therapy sessions can be quite useful if you are going through stressful office hours, insomnia or pain. This is because you get time to for yourself in a relaxing environment when you go for outstanding massage Puyallup offers. However, this can only be possible if you choose a good professional. These tips will guide you in your selection.

You should ask people that you trust to recommend some experts. Most of your colleagues and relatives will be able give you referrals for therapists that they have worked with. Be ready to not only receive good news, but also negative information regarding professionals who are not good at what they do.

Once you have a list of prospective professionals from your relatives or friends, you should investigate some of the experts listed there. This will ensure that you get someone that is suitable for you and your needs. Take time to gather useful background information on their business and work experiences to see whether they will be good for you.

Experience is an essential factor that you should consider. A service provider that has been working for several years is suitable for you. This is because they have acquired necessary knowledge on the requirements of different clients. In addition, they will know how to carry out different types of body manipulations. This ensures that you get excellent services from your therapist.

The rates offered by the individual is also important. This is because different specialists will set their own charges because this industry is not regulated. However, the charges you pay will depend on the type of massage you want and the duration of time for the therapy. You should ensure that the price is neither too high nor too low.

Always go for a person who has a solid reputation in this industry. Therefore, you should contact a few people who have received massaging services from a service provider that you are considering. Inquire about their experiences with the therapist and whether they were contented with what they received. This will definitely influence your decision positively or negatively.

It is important for you to feel at ease with your therapist. You definitely want an individual who is skilled and has an instinctive understanding of the human body. You should schedule for a thirty minutes session with a prospective specialist to determine whether they are suitable for you and will meet your needs and wants.

There are several creams and oils that therapists use on their clients. Therefore, it is essential for you to know the products that a potential expert is using. This will guarantee that they will be using high quality ointments for your therapy. Furthermore, you should ask about the length of time that their sessions take. This will ensure that you choose a specialist who will satisfy all your needs.

For you to get unmatched massage Puyallup has, you should get an educated and qualified professional. Ensure that the individual is licensed, has completed several hours of training and is experienced. This way, you will be satisfied with the services they offer you.

About the Author:

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Process Of Doing Facials Columbus

By Francis Riggs

The appearance of your skin reflects how healthy you are. Nowadays, everyone is absorbed in professional activities which are hectic and leave no time to give skin attention. The recommended frequency to tend to the degradation and tear occurring on skin is at least once daily. The treatments and facials offered ta Columbus city, OH revive the skin. They have an important function to help skin tackle the pollution it faces on a daily basis. Below are some of the benefits of having facials Columbus, OH.

The integumentary system has mechanisms of repairing and rejuvenating the skin regularly. If you do not take good care of your skin, the rejuvenating systems slow down with time. Cleansing is a primary step of taking care of skin. It is effective if it is done regularly. It opens skin pores which get blocked by dust. It lets the skin to breath.

Of all the parts of the body, skin has the highest degree of sensitivity. It is also the most exposed. This constant exposure leads to degradation and wrinkle development over time. Blemishes occur at times too. Facial therapies at city Columbus, OH deal with this dilapidation and nurture skin to preserve its natural glow.

With time, the skin collects a layer of dead cells which require to be removed to get back its beauty and healthy look. The dead cell layer is removed by having regular exfoliations. They prevent further accumulation of these dead cells.

There are scrubbers and creams that are available to help in the exfoliation process. The client may apply them at home but the beauticians usually have more effective exfoliant products for better results. They sometimes considerably hasten cell multiplication rate. Acids of varying concentrations, enzymes and micro-derma abrasatives are some of the available exfoliants used by professional aestheticians.

The specialist treats his clients differently depending on their skin textures. People have different qualities of skin. That is why the facial therapies are of wide variety in beauty parlors. Columbus OH has parlors that offer best facial and skin regimes. An expert should examine the skin type of a person before beginning their work. People have differences in skin texture and results of the facials are varied.

Anti-ageing and decongesting facials for problematic skins are the most popular currently. The therapies follow a trend. In the recent past it was facelifts done non-surgically which were popular but now that is not the case. The shift has been towards skin repair when damaged by the sun and elimination of free radicals. Elastin and collagen production encouragement is being acknowledged as vital in the achievement of a balanced, healthy and youthful skin.

Regular facial therapies at city of Columbus, OH works well for those wishing to maintain skin tone. This is difficult for women and men constantly been exposed to pollution in the busy cities. If you want to get back to having an amazing skin tone, the answer lies in indulging in facial therapy at Columbus city, OH.

About the Author:

Learn How A Ballantyne NC Chiropractor Alleviates Pediatric Neck Pain Naturally With Chiropractic

By Samital Leah Zerna

It is bad enough when you experience back or neck pain, but its particularly excruciating when it is your child who is in pain. Any good parent would want to alleviate their child's suffering as soon as possible, which is why it is important to call a Ballantyne chiropractor to help with any problems you may have so that the child can go back to being pain free as soon as possible

If you wait a day to see if the pain stops on its own or even just a few hours, you could really exacerbate the situation, leading to more issues down the line. The minute they begin to feel pain, call to book that appointment. The sooner you do, the sooner your child will feel better.

The chiropractor will do a thorough examination to determine the root of the pains or aches, so be prepared to allow them to spend all the time they need to get it done. They may start a few simple spinal adjustments right there, or give you an appointment for a later date instead.

The doctor may also recommend corrective exercises to help stave off any future back problems. If he can pinpoint the reason for the aches, such as a specific injury, it may be possible to have you do special stretches or movements that alleviate your problems now and possibly into the future.

Be prepared to also answer questions about lifestyle. Is he or she an athlete or just likes to play rough a lot? Have they recently taken up any hobby or activity that could cause pain? This helps the doctor isolate possible causes and see if there are any corrective exercises that could help.

In addition to physical exams and questions, advice about diet and nutrition may also be doled out, especially if either could be a factor in the aches and pains. Whatever advice is given, follow it to the letter to ensure that you and your child get back to normal just as soon as possible.

About the Author:

The Work And Function Of Redox Signaling Molecules

By Steven Evans

The specialist all over the world understands the addiction of some to maintain their youthfulness. It should not be the main purpose of doing it but for the inner health. Once your inner self is healthy everything will start showing on the outside. So never just settle on beautifying your exterior part alone.

There are many products of innovation that promised to keep you glowing and fresh. However, how many percents of these all are true. Before you trust anything you must consult the help of research done by few numbers of individuals. The study of redox signaling molecules is having positive results. This is proven and tested by many who experience its power.

The body can produce it naturally. The specialist said that it is present in everyone. This has to be utilized in order for it to function within. It has so many benefits that you will come to know later on as you get going. This is a stored to ensure that all systems will get protection from all kinds of dangers especially nowadays.

It has antioxidants all over. This is the responsible of discharging all the toxins inside. You get these in many ways especially through eating and drinking and other dangerous vices of yours. The dangers of toxins are really serious for it will lead to complications if no action right away. So, be mindful of what you consumed.

The molecule travels through the system. When it reaches those spots, it enables the body to fend itself from all the threats. You can name all these as you can see them around. This process boosts up your immune system so you are in safe zone. All these positive effects can only happen if this will come to be realized inside you.

It keeps the bacteria away. There are so bacteria around and it is ready to hit on anyone. Some illness, or as simple as flu, can be passed on easily to people whose immune system has no capacity to fight back. In this reason, the researchers are trying their best to direct the medicines to cells. It has lots of benefits if this happens.

The aging process will not show immediately. Everyone will be in awe in this one. This is not like all the products you see that claims to help in the slowing down of aging. Well, of course, everyone will get age but it would be better if all the signs will not appear that immediately. This will give a person more confidence in life.

Gives out the sufficient energy. Another effect it gives is the supply of energy all throughout your body. Yes, you may be thin but you can certainly do that stuff. Healthy people do have the energy to perform challenging ways and emerge out as triumphant.

Studies are still going on. The researchers are still on the verge of discovering more regarding this subject. They will not stop for they know it has the positive effects on everyone. The future is going to be an in the pink.

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A Spine Doctor You Can Start Working With

By Scott Moore

It is important that you will visit a medical expert who can help you with the possible concern you have in there. Take time to point out the plans that shall render the possible steps that must cater them on this moment. We are living in the modern lives of people and must see to it that nothing can bother you.

You will see the most suitable work that surely can cater the issues you have on your body and improve the deals too. Do not be afraid to share your methods and situation to these people so they have a better understanding about it. They would not waste their moment and better visit a spine doctor Houston that you can have.

They understand that there are several works that should help you entirely and cater the possible progress you have to face. You were not wasting anything in the area so better understand the correct plans to help you out. There will always be someone out there that surely be helping you entirely with your situation.

They figure out the goals that are going to help them with their situation and provide them ideal works to support their patients. They would like to cater the greatest works that must be seen over this time. They are not missing anything and must share the greatest goals for them where they could have it right.

Try to observe how they apply the finest results that surely can bring other stuff and other plans needed in there. You must not miss out a single detail that would work perfectly for you and avoid any form of actions to be seen there. There are several steps that should be considered over this time to work properly.

Always remember that there are people who would be there to cater the possible works needed for you and render the best deals in there. Take time to figure out other deals to become seen in there and make it perfect for you. Nothing would be wasted for this time and have the methods to function perfectly for you.

You need to be aware and prepare the finest actions to help you out during this moment so nothing can affect the works needed there. There should be several works and progress that must bring other progress required by others. You should monitor the goals that would bring effective plans to be suitable for you.

They should remember whatever are the finest method to work in there and let them share their plans as well. Do not hesitate to share methods and plans that would be efficient for them so nothing can stop them. They are not avoiding issues that surely perfect for anyone and continue the progress needed for a person.

They will take time to understand everything in there and shall render the correct manner of assisting those who needed it. And share the plans that would be visible in the area and let it function ideally and help others properly. Nothing can make it worst so know the best plans to work in there and have it right.

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Tuesday, June 27, 2017

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Energy Up!

by Beth
Young Italian Girl Resting by Paul Cezanne
According to the Mayo Clinic nearly everyone is overtired or overworked from time to time. Unrelenting fatigue is a whole different matter. When fatigue lasts longer, is more profound, and isn't relieved by rest, it’s a sure sign that you need to see a medical professional. Temporary fatigue, on the other hand, usually has an identifiable cause and a likely remedy. What are some likely causes? Here’s their suggested list: 
  • Use of alcohol or drugs 
  • Excess physical activity 
  • Jet lag 
  • Lack of physical activity 
  • Lack of sleep 
  • Medications, such as antihistamines, cough medicines 
  • Unhealthy eating habits 
To the Mayo Clinic’s list I would add one more: dealing with energy draining, stressful situations like: personal relationships, chronic physical conditions, mental/emotional difficulties, finances, dealing with difficult people, and others (fill in the blank with your own). 

I, myself, am coming out of a period of temporary fatigue. In other words I was experiencing a couch potato, empty vessel, sloth-like, lack of energy. Temporary fatigue typically hits me after a long period of “fast forward” activity, and looking back over the past two months, I can pinpoint the causes. If I’m brutally honest they are: 
  1. Lack of sleep. Thankfully not insomnia, but just staying up late and hanging out past my optimal bedtime of 10:30 p.m. 
  2. Unhealthy eating habits. Too many carbs, mostly in the form of bread. It’s my go-to comfort food but overeating it is clearly a factor in my personal fatigue formula. 
  3. Excess activity; The biggest piece of this was preparing for and delivering an 8-hour long workshop on a new topic in addition to the holidays and my other teaching, volunteer, and domestic responsibilities. 
Albert Einstein said, “Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.” Right on, Albert! So that means phrases like “lack of energy” or “I have no energy” are not entirely accurate. We do have energy but sometimes there can be a need to change its form from a shortage into a surplus. In other words, we need to find ways to “light our fire” or “get the lead out,” and bring our energy up. Here are two ways to accomplish that goal. 

1. Take a Day Off 

Why do I recommend taking a rest day? Here’s my reasoning: Rest days are written into training plans for athletes, even those training for the Olympics, to allow the body to recuperate. You can literally take the day off from yoga practice or take a just break from active yoga practice. To take a day off completely, use your practice time to hang out, rest, relax, catch up on your reading, or do nothing. If you’d like to use your yoga practice as a way to rest, practice your favorite restorative yoga poses and/or techniques (see Restorative Yoga by Nina). 

2. Converting Energy From Shortage to Surplus 

Sometimes, we need a technique or two to get our energy up in order to function until that precious day off can get scheduled. To use your yoga practice as a change agent, you do not necessarily have to change what you do, just change how you do it. Practice your postures in a way that creates heat, and encourages feelings of stimulation, intention, and intensity. But keep the following advice in mind: 
  1. Be sure to warm up first. 
  2. Focus on the feeling of moving purposefully between postures. 
  3. Focus more on your inhalations. 
  4. Move with strength, speed, determination, and intensity. 
  5. Build towards a longer, stronger practice that is within your capability. 
Here’s a technique you may not be familiar with: The Breath of Joy. It’s typically done in a standing position but is easily modified for sitting in a chair. It’s from the Kripalu Yoga tradition and the instructions below are from a Yoga International article by Amy Weintraub The Breath of Joy (Amy is the author of Yoga for Depression, founder of the LifeForce Yoga Healing Institute, and a leader in the field of yoga and mental health). 

Caution: This practice may not be appropriate for those with high blood pressure or who suffer from eye or head injuries. 

The purpose of The Breath of Joy is to awaken the whole system, increasing oxygen levels in the bloodstream, temporarily stimulating the sympathetic nervous system, and focusing the mind. Just what I need to get my energy up! Here are Amy’s instructions: 

“To practice Breath of Joy, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and parallel, knees slightly bent.

1. Inhale one-third of your lung capacity and swing your arms up in front of your body, bringing them parallel to each other at shoulder level, with palms facing the ceiling. 

2. Continue inhaling to two-thirds capacity and stretch your arms out to the side like wings to shoulder level. 

3. Inhale to full capacity and swing your arms parallel and over your head, palms facing each other. 

4. Open your mouth and exhale completely with an audible ha, bending the knees more deeply as you sink into a standing squat and swing your arms down and back behind you like a diver. 

Repeat up to nine times. Don’t force or strain the body or breath; simply be absorbed by the peacefully stimulating rhythm. Return to standing. Close your eyes and experience the effects. Notice how quickly your heart beats; feel the sensations in your face and arms, and the tingling in the palms of your hands."

Some examples of pranayama and mudra practices you might try are: Kapalabhati breath, (see Stimulating Breath Practices We Recommend or Vittam mudra from Mudras for Healing and Transformation by Joseph and Lilian LePage. Vittam mudra helps to establish the free flow of vital energy. 

Instructions for Practicing Vittam Mudra
  1. Sit with your spine comfortably aligned. 
  2. Soften your chest and shoulders. 
  3. Close your eyes or keep them slightly open and gaze down at the floor. 
  4. Hold your hands cupped in front of your lower abdomen with palms facing each other about twelve inches apart. 
  5. Allow your hands to naturally part away from each other on the inhalation and rest gently back toward each other on the exhalation. 
  6. Repeat for 5 to 10 long, deep breaths or more, as long as you are comfortable.
Our energetic needs are like fingerprints; no two people are alike. These techniques work for me, which is why I am sharing them. Will they work for you? Try them out and see.

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The Biggest Problems With The Hypothyroid Diet Or Any Diet

By Dr. Kevin Dobrzynski

A hypothyroid diet is not like any other kind you may find. If fact, there are several things about it that make it positively unique. Also, each person that assumes this kind of eating has unique needs to consider.

I have an acronym for the word diet, which is -- Deliberately, Identified, as an Eating, Trend. Diets are eating trends, plain and simple. In fact, if you listen carefully to someone who's dieting they will tell you they are 'going on' a diet. If you 'go on' a diet, you usually 'go off' it at some point. Hence, eating trend.

Your results using the hypothyroid diet will be the same as the results you've experienced with all diets if your approach is the same.

People that suffer from hypothyroidism or overactive thyroid are not likely to find any miracle cures. This is a chronic condition that could take some time to improve. However, hypothyroidism can be cured in some cases but it will not come from changing what you eat for thirty days. It is a more complex issue than dieting for a while and then you are completely done with it. You need to enter this with the right kind of mindset.

Your mindset should be similar to this..."I need to make some permanent changes in my life if I'm going to overcome this thing that has disrupted my life."

Most people have heard the phrase, "diets must include lifestyle changes". This concept is even more important when it comes to hypothyroidism.

Changing your lifestyle will involve a few sacrifices, and it will not be as simple as most people think. Yet, you will notice many health benefits from your efforts. It is best thought of as an exciting adventure that allows you to journey into areas of the mind and body that you have never been before.

Successful diets and mindset are intricately intertwined. Begin a new regime with the proper mindset and half the work is already done. If you have unrealistic expectations like easy weight loss with no effort, you are doomed to fail.

To make permanent changes in eating and living you must first change the way that you think.

It is important to consider the lifestyle changes you need. However, it is far more important to consider the mindset required in order to succeed.

Altering the way you eat will not be enough to cure hypothyroidism. Yet, you can make some lifestyle changes along with a good hypothyroid diet, and it can bring positive long term results.

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